Dizzy Spell
Studio Nude Beach | North Bay, ON
August 9th – 13th
Betty Speers Theatre Lobby, Capitol Centre – 150 Main St. E
Some big things have been happening to us humans in our recent history that have left us a bit – not here nor there. Step forwards, steps back, and also standing very still. Dizzy spell attempts a spatial disarray – extended in mirroring up and down – to reflect some emotional happenings but also encouraging some safe space of beauty amongst it all.
The installation will be on display for the duration of the Fringe festival.
About the Artist:
Studio Nude Beach is an emerging creative collective based in North Bay, Ontario. The four members come together from a broad range of arts and building backgrounds to create playful and immersive spaces. Through installations that are interactive and accessible, the collective strives to continue discussions of landscape, sanctuary, and play.
Instagram: @studionudebeach