March 3, 2019

Sun Dog Theatre Festival

The Sun Dog Theatre Festival is the curated professional theatre festival produced every winter by ON THE EDGE Fringe. Featuring plays, performances, workshops, and other theatre/performance-focused activities, Sun Dog allows us to continue to engage our audience and provide opportunities for artists to present their work and hone their skills outside of our summer Fringe Festival.

A sun dog is an atmospheric optical phenomenon that consists of bright spots on one or both sides of the Sun. This is caused by the refraction of sunlight through ice crystals which act as prisms, the bending light rays in the atmosphere appearing as spots of light at the same altitude above the horizon as the Sun. Many factors have to align for a sun dog to be produced; the conditions have to be just right in order for something amazing to happen. The Sun Dog Theatre Festival is no different. To make an exceptional theatre experience each facet of the festival must align in exactly the right way to create something phenomenal.

Our 2024 Sun Dog Theatre Festival took place on March 23, 2024.

Click here to find out more!



Sun Dog 2023

Sun Dog 2022 – Cancelled

Sun Dog 2021

Sun Dog 2020 – Cancelled

Sun Dog 2019