July 13, 2020


ON THE EDGE Fringe needs your help!

We do what we do because we love it. We love the excitement of running festivals and events. We love being able to give artists a platform to express themselves and share their work. We love building community and helping to make North Bay a better place to live. But we can’t do it on love alone. We need the support of our community to help us continue to present amazing theatre and performance art in North Bay, ON.

If you’d like to find out how you can help, we’ve listed a few different ways below. No matter how you’re able to support us, we want you to know that we value your contribution and appreciate your efforts. Thank you, and happy fringing!

How to support ON THE EDGE Fringe:

Attend our events

The simplest way you can show your support is by showing up! Without an audience, art has no impact. We host a wide variety of events throughout the year, and we are so excited to be able to share them with you. Community is built through shared experiences, so come experience the unexpected with us!

Spread the word

Did you attend one of our events and have a great time? See a show that you think others should see? Or did you just discover we existed? Tell your friends. Tell your family. Tell everyone! Talk us up at work, at the gym, or at the grocery store. Post show reviews or comments on social media and make sure to tag us. The more folks we can reach, the better for everyone!


Volunteers are the backbone of our organization. Without their help, we wouldn’t be able to do the things we do. If you’re interested in becoming a volunteer with us, please check out our volunteer page for more information.

Host an artist

Are you an artist or arts enthusiast with a spare room, granny suite, or pull-out couch? Do you like meeting new and interesting people? Then why not consider billeting an artist in your home. Find out more about our billeting program by clicking the button below.

Become a donor

As a small not-for-profit, we rely on a variety of revenue sources to keep us going. Every little bit helps, so if you would like to learn how to become a donor, please follow the link below.

Become a sponsor

We are committed to supporting independent artists and presenting amazing, thought-provoking art in our community. If you or your business also holds these values, why not consider becoming a sponsor? We have several sponsorship tiers to choose from, or we can work with you to develop a customized sponsorship deal. Find out more on our sponsorship page!